Bulk and packaged products storage

Gicar offers a wide range of logistics services both to complement and complete the supply of finished products to its customers and in relation to products owned by third parties and thus as a service of its own.
Thanks to the availability of equipped and dedicated machinery, the services offered range from storage of packaged goods to bulk chemicals.
In the first case, Gicar has more than 10,000 pallet spaces available, while it is able to store, at the Cerano site alone, more than 3,000 tons of bulk products.
To guarantee the quality of the different types of services offered, Gicar makes use of resources, software and programs dedicated to the management of the various customer-specific "warehouses", taking care of and monitoring the flow and ensuring product rotation according to the methodology required by each customer.

Transit Safety Port

Alongside the more traditional logistics services described above, on November 26, 2010 the T.S.P was opened, a logistics site, unique in Europe, designed for the technical stop, in total safety, of tank containers containing dangerous chemicals (ethylene oxide) coming from various production facilities and parked here waiting for the final delivery to the end users.
The T.S.P. (Transit Safety Port) represents for Gicar - as well as a resource and a source of growth parallel to the traditional production activity – a tool to strengthen and create more strategic relationships with leading European chemical manufacturers.